Trees, Wheel of the Year

Beltane Blessings & Spring Wild Pendants

Hello wild soul,

How are you as we approach Beltane this year?

I am writing this to you as I listen to two swallows chatter away busily outside the window. They returned yesterday from their Winter in west Africa and have reclaimed part of the stables here on the land. If we are lucky, they will raise 1 perhaps even 2 broods here before they head back to Africa in the Autumn. Their arrival is one of the cues that tells me that Beltane is close by. The other is the profusion of beautifully scented blossoms everywhere; Lilacs, Apple, Cherry, Hawthorn and Rowan. I am curious: What are your Spring cues?

Beltane is celebrated around the 30th April and 1st May and marks the peak of Spring’s energy. This is the time of year where the land is fertile, growth is increasing rapidly and flowers are beginning to bloom. Whilst the weather could trick us into thinking that we are still in Winter, the earth reassures us that Summer really is just around the corner…

In today’s post, I shall be sharing some of my favourite ways to celebrate Beltane, introducing some of the trees that are calling out to connect with us at this time and have some very special wild pendants to show you so let’s dive in….

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Products, Trees

Blackthorn pendants in store now!

Hello lovely soul,

Whether you have a long weekend ahead of you or not, we hope you get to experience some Spring joy in the coming days! I have noticed my heart lift whenever the Sun shines recently, as I feel Winter’s grip beginning to loosen.

We have been feeling the call of Blackthorn continue this week. Have you noticed its white blossom lining the roads, hedgerows or woodland edges lately? Every year, certain plants or trees really seem to flourish, and this year is the turn of the Blackthorn, whose blossom is amazingly abundant right now! This small, yet strong tree has been calling us all month long and we felt inspired to craft a few more Blackthorn wood pendants that have gone into our store this morning. We are offering our treasured subscribers 10% off this weekend! You can find your discount code later in this post.

Continue reading “Blackthorn pendants in store now!”
Wheel of the Year

Awakening with Ostara

Hello lovely soul, how are you as we approach the threshold to the light half of the year?

My emergence into Spring is feeling rather slow this year. As my dear friend, Theresa put it, ‘it’s like waking up, but I’m not quite ready to jump out of bed yet!’ Some years, I am desperate to jump out of bed, and begin planting seeds and foraging those fresh Spring greens. But this year, as I sit in front of the fire and look out onto yet another wet day, my body whispers, ‘not yet’ and I remain in my late Winter cocoon a little longer.

In today’s post, I wanted to share with you my favourite question to return to at this time of year. I am celebrating a tree with deep associations to the season and sharing our first Wild Jewellery release of the year…

Continue reading “Awakening with Ostara”
Plants, Wheel of the Year

Imbolc is Coming

How are you, on these stormy January days?

As the wheel of the year continues to turn, we head towards Imbolc, celebrated on and around the 1st of February. Imbolc is the mid point between the Winter Solstice (Yule) and the Spring Equinox (Ostara) and can be thought of as the birth of Spring. I love this time of year as I notice a little more light returning to the afternoons. The first flowers are pushing up through the dark earth, catkins are unravelling and there is even some warmth in the Sun on the odd day or two. The energy is beginning to quicken from one of hibernation and slumber to an unfurling, demonstrated wonderfully by the first brave snowdrops and the colourful hazel trees.

In today’s post I shall be sharing my favourite herb and tree to work with at this time of year, along with some simple rituals, so lets dive in!

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Wheel of the Year

Yule is Coming!

This year, the Winter Solstice, also known as Yule or Midwinter falls on Friday 22nd December. At this point, we reach peak darkness, the shortest day of the year where the sun sits at its lowest in the sky.

In the natural world, there is both a deep stillness and busyness that exists simultaneously. As the woodlands rest, many animals are busy searching far and wide for food. We can often feel this contrasting energy reflected in our own lives too. Cosy, quiet evenings snuggled under blankets interspersed with busy preparations and never ending to do lists in the run up to the festive season.

In today’s post, I shall be sharing some of my favourite, very simple ways to embrace the season. I also wanted to share with you some brand new wild pendants that are now in store…

Continue reading “Yule is Coming!”
Wheel of the Year

A Samhain Offering & Spontaneous Rituals

Some of my favourite rituals are the unplanned, spontaneous ones that seem to arise from within.

This morning, as I looked out onto a grey and drizzly day, I felt called to have a little look at my herb garden. It is changing now, many of the plants have finished flowering and remind me that I didn’t keep up with pruning this year. Others, like Calendula, are still flowering, intertwined with a mass of seed heads from earlier blooms. Rosemary stands strong and vibrant in the middle.

I began to gather some, Feverfew ‘for peace’ arose a feeling inside. Yarrow ‘for healing’. I realised I was picking them as an offering to my ancestors. I waited to see what I was drawn to next. Lavender ‘for self acceptance’ a feeling inside seemed to know. Rosemary ‘for vitality’.

I carried on feeling my way to certain plants. not worrying too much about what the ‘official meanings’ of them were but instead listening to my own inner guidance.

This little ritual found its way to me today and was a reminder that we do not need to force rituals if we do not feel connected to them. Some seasons, we may feel more aligned with than others, but I always urge you to listen to those sometimes small whispers that draw you to your own spontaneous rituals.

With Samhain blessings,

Nic x

Wheel of the Year

Samhain is nearly upon us!

Hello lovely Soul,

Samhain (pronounced sow-in) marks Summer’s end and the birth of Winter as the hours of darkness now outweigh the hours of daylight. This Celtic festival is celebrated over October 31st/Nov 1st in the Northern Hemisphere and is the origin of Halloween. If you are new to the Wheel of the Year (an ancient way of marking the passing seasons) you can read more about it here.

In today’s post, I shall be sharing a little more about the energy of the season, some simple seasonal rituals, introducing you to some very special witchy Wild Jewellery pieces and letting you know about a discount that will be happening this weekend…

Continue reading “Samhain is nearly upon us!”
Moon, Products

New Moon Rituals & Lunar Calendar

Hello lovely soul,

We are fast approaching our next New Moon of the year, falling on Saturday 14th October in the sign of Libra. It feels like just the right time to share our 2024 Lunar Calendar with you along with some simple rituals to welcome this New Moon…

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Life, Wheel of the Year

September updates

Hello lovely soul,

It has been an interesting September so far in the UK with some of our hottest temperatures of the year occurring this month! And yet, despite the heat, signs of Autumn’s approach are weaving their way into daily life. The misty mornings and dew decorated spider webs. The hedgerows heavy with purple and red jewels and the return of the Robin to our garden who has been serenading us each morning. I wonder, what changes you may have been noticing where you are?

This time of year, is a wonderful time to pause and acknowledge the transition of the year from Summer into Autumn. As the light is noticeably retreating now, we may find ourselves craving more rest, earlier nights, hearty foods and cosiness. One of my favourite practices for this time of year is to create or tend to a space so that it feels cosy and welcoming for self care practices for the darker months to come.

In today’s post I wanted to share with you a little of what we have been up to lately, some ideas for connecting with the season and let you know what we have coming up over the next few months…

Continue reading “September updates”

Wild Fen Incense Burners in Store now!

Hello lovely soul,

Firstly apologies if you have just received an email for me that you couldn’t open, I won’t make a habit of sending two emails in one day!

We wanted to let you know that our handmade Incense Burners are in store now. This is a small batch, and we have had lots of interest in them so we wanted to tell you about them first! We will also include a tin of our Botanical Incense blend for free with the purchase of an Incense Burner for our subscribers so be sure to add a note to your order so we can send you your gift…

Continue reading “Wild Fen Incense Burners in Store now!”