Wheel of the Year

Yule is Coming!

This year, the Winter Solstice, also known as Yule or Midwinter falls on Friday 22nd December. At this point, we reach peak darkness, the shortest day of the year where the sun sits at its lowest in the sky.

In the natural world, there is both a deep stillness and busyness that exists simultaneously. As the woodlands rest, many animals are busy searching far and wide for food. We can often feel this contrasting energy reflected in our own lives too. Cosy, quiet evenings snuggled under blankets interspersed with busy preparations and never ending to do lists in the run up to the festive season.

In today’s post, I shall be sharing some of my favourite, very simple ways to embrace the season. I also wanted to share with you some brand new wild pendants that are now in store…

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