Wheel of the Year

Samhain is nearly upon us!

Hello lovely Soul,

Samhain (pronounced sow-in) marks Summer’s end and the birth of Winter as the hours of darkness now outweigh the hours of daylight. This Celtic festival is celebrated over October 31st/Nov 1st in the Northern Hemisphere and is the origin of Halloween. If you are new to the Wheel of the Year (an ancient way of marking the passing seasons) you can read more about it here.

In today’s post, I shall be sharing a little more about the energy of the season, some simple seasonal rituals, introducing you to some very special witchy Wild Jewellery pieces and letting you know about a discount that will be happening this weekend…

Samhain is considered both the beginning and end of the Celtic New Year. If we look to the natural world at this time of year, we may notice it is preparing for a period of deep rest. Like a big exhale, trees are losing their leaves, whilst their sap descends back down the tree trunks to rest in the roots over the Winter. The seeds of Summer blooms lay dormant on the earth and animals are preparing for their hibernation. You can read more about the energy of Samhain and how it may impact us here.

Samhain, the Moon and the Water element

The Autumn season is associated with the element of water and those of you living in the UK may well have experienced some very soggy weather lately! This year, Samhain also coincides with a Full Moon and a partial Lunar eclipse occurring on Saturday 28th October.

Both the Moon and Water elements are connected with our emotions. For some it may feel like a cosy and nourishing time, an invitation to slow down and turn inwards. For others it may kindle feelings of overwhelm, sadness, grief or low energy.

Whether you love this time of year, or are finding it a little overwhelming, you may find the rituals below helpful to connect with the energy of the season.

Connect to the season

  • Take some extra time for things that you find soothing during this season. This could be taking a peaceful walk, wrapping up in a blanket and reading your favourite book or running yourself a hot bath.
  • Notice the changes occurring in nature; the darker evenings, the low mist, the changing colours of the trees, and if you feel called to, note any changes you have felt in yourself too.
  • To balance out the strong water element of the season, gather round a fire, light candles wherever possible and cook warming meals.
  • As the nights get darker earlier, it is easier to appreciate the night sky. Wrap up, grab a hot drink and soak in some peace from the night sky.

Wild Fen Offerings

Every now and again, some patterns emerge when we are carving a piece of wood that feels extra magic and ‘witchy’. These 4 special pieces are in store now with their unique and wild markings. I love journeying with these trees throughout the dark months; Yew for its ancestral connection, Willow for its ability to guide us on our inner journeys and Hawthorn aides connection to natural wisdom and the cycle of life.

To celebrate Samhain and the Full Moon, we have discounts on all of our Wheel of the Year prints, cards and Lunar Calendars this weekend! Head to our store to have a look.

For anyone local to Lincolnshire this weekend, we will be at the Samhain Wytches Fayre at Wyberton Parish Hall on Saturday 28th October from 11 – 3 and we would love to see you!

Wishing you all some rest and peace over Samhain. May you find some time to connect with the changing energy in whatever way feels right for you,

With love and magic,

Nic and Chris

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